Market Update from Staxa’s National Sales Manager

After a long period of reduced building activity at the end of the Covid stimulus market there is now some signs of growth in the WA building market. Approvals have lifted and combined with better weather at the start of Spring there is more activity in WA. Challenges still remain in availability of trades, but consumer confidence in shorter build times is slowly returning and we are in a period of cautious optimism.


Staxa has invested significantly in establishing an import business to supplement production from the Wespine Sawmill and long term relationships with European suppliers are now in place. There is a regular flow of stock into Fremantle and the ability to increase this as needed. This will help to mitigate the risk of supply shortages that were widespread throughout the industry nationally during 2022.


With an established warehouse in Henderson, Staxa has the ability to receive, treat, dock to length and distribute imported and Wespine products tailored to service the WA markets including landscaping, packaging and pallet markets. Similar to the building industry, these markets are coming out of a period of low demand after Covid with activity and consumption increasing across the state.


Shane Watling, National Sales Manager